What's needed:
4 Ripe mangoes
2-3 pinches of fresh pepper powder
Sugar to taste
Fresh powder of 5 peeled green cardomom seeds.
1/2 - 1 cup of fresh milk
Blend all the ingredients in a blender and serve chilled. Aamras can be served along with Pooris or on its own.
Poori saagu:
One of the common breakfast items in Bangalore hotel is Poori saagu. My hubby is a great fan of Poori. He loves it with any side dish. Though the frequency of its appearance in our kitchen is very very low. From the past few weeks whenever I asked him as to what to make for breakfast I would get a prompt reply of either idli or Poori saagu/Bhaji. So finally one day I decided to make Poori saagu. I did not have the recipe to make saagu so I searched the blogosphere and landed at Aroma! When i saw her recipe of Saagu I decided to make it. I was dissapointed when I saw the ingredient list. I did not have Chana dalia(its not available here), Poppy seeds, nor the mint leaves. I did not want to make this by skipping all these finally it was decided to make kurma instead of Saagu. I made it a point to ask amma to get a small pack of dalia when she came here. And thus we had Poori saagu for breakfast today. Thanks for the recipe Asha Saagu came out really well and as per your suggestion I made it previous night and we had it this morning with Fluffy Pooris. Saagu will definately be made on regular basis from now on though I might try making dosas/Chapathi to go with it. Since I have followed the recipe exactly I am not going to write it down here. Please click here for the recipe.
both the recipe r awesome...luv to have it any time...
Thanks a lot Suma.. Keep visiting
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